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Showing posts from November, 2022

Our cosmic event horizon on a string

In this post, we introduced the idea that in the presence of a positive cosmological constant, there is a minimum (local) mass $m_{GR}$   McDormand swinging a cosmic light-like mass-energy $m_{GR}$, with a "cosmic string" of radius $l_{\Lambda}$, giving a centripetal force $F_{local}=m_{GR} \ c^2/l_{\Lambda}$.    Let's think about that string for a bit. In fact, a great number of physicists have spent their entire careers tied up unraveling string theory . For a classical string, which lives in D = 10 dimensions, associated with Nambu-Goto action, the the string tension $T_G$ is a local force, or energy per unit length (dimensions $MLT^{-2}$): \begin{equation} \notag T_G = \frac{1}{2\pi \alpha \prime} \end{equation}$\alpha \prime$ is the Regge slope parameter, set here with dimensions of inverse force.  The wavelength of the stringy mass-energy standing wave (such that it does not interfere with itself), is the circumference of the circle, and we know it moves at l

A cosmological constant solution via the holographic principle

In a previous post we mentioned how the discrepancy in the classical and quantum estimates of the stiffness of space-time was another version of the cosmological constant problem (CCP). You will find some people claiming this is a non-problem , however, the CCP is actually one of the two great naturalness problems in modern physics.  From observations, the cosmological constant $\Lambda \sim 1.3\times10^{-52} \ m^{-2}$. The so-called $10^{121}$ crisis can be expressed as the ratio of the Planck density and the actual observed dark energy density: $\rho_{Planck}/ \rho_{\Lambda}$.  \begin{equation} \rho_{\Lambda} = \frac{\Lambda c^2}{8 \pi G} \ \end{equation}\begin{equation} \rho_{Planck} = \frac{c^5}{\hbar G^2} \end{equation} Equivalently, the cosmological constant problem can be expressed as observing that the number of degrees of freedom of dark energy in quantum field theory (QFT) are much too large to explain the observational data. The QFT approach relates bulk degrees of freedom

The fabric of space-time: stiffer than steel or weaker than jello?

  The notorious rubber sheet analogy of spacetime teaches one concept and once concept only: Mass-energy causes curvature of space-time.   When a gravitating mass recedes from a region of space-time the curvature diminishes. The field equations of General Relativity don’t have an explicit term for this elastic property, but the framework as a whole does have that property. As very large mass-energies are required to generate gravitational waves (ripples in space-time), the elastic property of space-time is generally regarded as very stiff One other interesting consideration here is that elasticity is an emergent phenomenon. There is a great deal of interest in the idea that gravity is similarly emergent .   In 2018, McDonald quantified the classical stiffness of space-time via Youngs Modulus .  Classical answer: Youngs Modulus of space-time $\sim$ 20 orders of magnitude greater than steel.   DALL.E2 depiction of classical space-time. (Credit SR Anderson)   In a previous post we d