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Showing posts from June, 2021

Remarks on the cosmological constant and minimal acceleration

As Lineweaver explained, because our Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, our Universe has a cosmic event horizon (CEH).    Its an event horizon Jim, but not as we know it...Image credit: DALL.E2 by SR Anderson Events beyond the CEH will never be observed. The CEH is also the source of de Sitter radiation, which has a specific temperature $T_{dS}$. It is the minimum possible temperature of the Universe, and, it is not absolute zero (zero Kelvins). Numerically $T_{dS} \approx 2.4 \times 10^{-30}K$, the universal minimum (black body) `absolute cold' local temperature of the future dS state. As a comparison, in 2020 the NASA Cold Atom lab was able to cool an atom to a record low $\sim 2 \times 10^{-7}K$.  Now, in any theory one may think of temperature as an energy, and from the semi-classical Unruh relationship, temperature $\sim$ acceleration. Therefore:   \begin{equation} \notag E_{dS} = T_{ds} \ k_B= \frac {\hslash a}{2\pi c} \end{equation} What we get from Unruh i